September 11 2022 Marks the beginning of Ethiopian New Year – ፳፻፲፭ —aka 2015. Given the diversity of the nation, new year is universally celebrated more than any other holiday across the country.
The emergence of COVID19 pandemic resulted in a ground halt of the tourism business, not just in Ethiopia but around the globe. As soon as the COVID19 relief comes, follows localized conflict and prolonged instability. While the pioneer and most visited tourist destination of #Lalibela stays powerless, #Axum remains inaccessible as a result, for example. And we must allow it to change in the new year.
Without exaggeration, tourism is one of the back bones of the economy and the most forefront employer in the service industry. Ethiopian economy faces foreign currency challenges, probably more than any other time in history and it is essentially attributed to limited international tourism activity.
Challenges bear resilience and it is encouraging and remarkable to see the effort of the government at all levels of its branches to address the challenge. Starting from identifying tourism as one of the priority sectors, establishing a new ministry that steers the tourism business and inclusion of promotion entities across embassies is an indication of the commitment from the government to the development of the sector. It needs to continue in the new year.
Read More: የሀገር ውስጥ ጉዞንና ጉብኝትን ማሳደግ ለኢትዮጵያ ህልውናም ወሳኝ ነው
Look no beyond what Visit Oromia and Visit Amhara have been doing over the last year in mobilizing the local tourism. Educating the youth about their history and supporting them becoming ambassadors of their country, we must continue promoting Ethiopia’s best in the new year. New year, new energy, new approach and new hope for the generation ahead.
Standing at a serious back drop of security and instability in many places of the country, Afro Experience calls calmer and more partnership among stakeholders in the coming year. The peak tourism months being right ahead of us, it is time to go to peace, call for relaxed travel policy support and engage more on informed social media activity to capitalize the moment for the good of Ethiopians.
In the new year, Afro Experience will continue to educate people about Ethiopian and African history through travel. Following the footprints of Ethiopian airlines, the country’s flag career, we will continue to connect the dots of what Ethiopia has to offer to the world bringing home all the fruits of tourism.
First and for most, peace shall prevail in the New Year and Afro Experience wishes a Happy Ethiopian New Year of 2015.