Resource focused, dynamic and tailored policy tools are the No1 instruments governments have at their disposal. In that regard, it would not be an exaggeration to claim that the Ethiopian government has shown a real commitment to the tourism sector after such a long time business as usual practice. Ministry of tourism is being set up to independently govern tourism as a business.
For over a decade or so, tourism has been governed as part of a politically sensitive cultural setting despite the fact that it is a business in its nature. It was apparently clear that the political appointees leading the institution have been inclined to the cultural aspects as opposed to the tourism business. The tourism business was not their priority even if it has been under their leadership profile, and the result has been something we all know was not encouraging. Politics has been in direct competition and dominance to the business.
Read More: የሀገር ውስጥ ጉዞንና ጉብኝትን ማሳደግ ለኢትዮጵያ ህልውናም ወሳኝ ነው
The country being a birth place of diverse tourism endowments across historical, natural, cultural, manmade and religious domains and the sector being one of the primary foreign currency earners and employer, it has been, in fact, a public dismay to not have an independent and resourceful governing institution for so long.
Read More: Ethiopia Launches MICE Tourism Brand
Meager destination development and uncoordinated marketing has been the characteristics of the tourism business. It would not again be an exaggeration to claim that a couple of individuals and surprised visitors have been the primary remarketers of the tourism business for many years in Ethiopia.
Now, it seems changing forever for the better. Despite the COVID19 constraint and the uncertain security situation, the government still hopes the tourism sector will play a huge role in the country’s economy. The first promising thing the government does in the new administration is to set up a new institution to govern the tourism business under a ministry profile followed by two state ministries to run the business of destination development and marketing of tourism services and products. International embassies are anticipated to host additional functions in their profile to work in tandem with the tourism ministry as well. The ongoing policy and regulatory reforms are also worth mentioning as positive developments although they have to be seen as work in progress until they are tested and refined to make them useful on the ground.
While the country claims, rightly so, as the Land of origins, having 9 UNESCO inscribed sites and more than 7 in the tentative list, it is absolutely fundamental to ensure the existence of an effective institution to stir the business. As it sounds a new beginning in the right direction, structuring the institution and staffing it down the line with the right personnel, will help revitalize the existing sites, expand new destinations, seize the country’s true tourism potential on a global stage as already promised. While the government does shape the policy environment, it is equally important we all do not overlook the potential of public-private and private to private partnering across the tourism value chain.

All sector players shall retire the business-as-usual practice and rally around the renewed effort of the government not just to contribute to materialize it but also to help maximize the benefit in the going global and uncertainly competitive business land scape.
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