The Ethiopian forces led by emperor Menelik II defeated the Italian invading force on Sunday 1 March 1896, near the town of Adwa in the current northern Tigray Region and Ethiopians proudly commemorate the victory day ever since as a thank you gesture to fellow patriots for sacrificing their life so that today’s generation stays independent and resilient.
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This year’s celebration makes it special to the fact that the country has been tested lately that resulted in a costly internal law enforcement operation in Tigray region, which apparently the government faced with mounting external pressure. The citizens are fierce about external interference and Adwa victory is a way to express that they are behind their government to ensure law and order in the country.
125 years later, Ethiopians have to continue the fight for the 16th century ideals of Western world’s colonization narrative. While the victory of Adwa has displayed the true patriotism of Ethiopians and considered as a symbol of freedom for the black community and most sensible people globally, it has continued to buy enemies across the world still to date.
On the first day of March 125 years ago, traditional warriors, farmers and pastoralists as well as women defeated a well-armed Italian army in the northern town of Adwa in Ethiopia and Adwa still stands as witness to what ordinary Africans can do when they come together as farmers, pastoralists, women and rural people, workers and artists. They are able to score a decisive victory against global colonialist forces.
wrote Yirga Gelaw, Senior Lecturer, Curtin University,
Adwa remains the hallmark of true patriotism and independence for Ethiopians and the oppressed.
Beyond symbolism, Adwa‘s true untapped tourism potential is yet to be uncovered.
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